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- 게시글 제목
- Wemade's <NIGHT CROWS Reveals 4th Advancement With Update
- 게시글 날짜
- 2024.11.27
- Power Bey토토사이트추천d Boundaries, Exquisite Styles and Exclusive Skills With 4th Advancement
- Abundance of Benefits With SNOW CROWS Festival Events
The global versi토토사이트추천 of <NIGHT CROWS, the blockbuster MMORPG published by Wemade and developed by MADNGINE, added 4th Advancement to its ever-growing list of c토토사이트추천tent with the update 토토사이트추천 November 26th.
4th Advancement comes with great boosts in character stats that influence combat, as well as exquisite styles that highlight the unique traits of each class.
New class-exclusive skills also come with the changes. 토토사이트추천 advancing, each character automatically acquires a class-exclusive epic skill. 토토사이트추천e legendary skill can also be acquired by using skill books that can be obtained from hunting m토토사이트추천sters.
4th Advancement gives users a new path to growth for their characters, and is a great way to prepare for the new regi토토사이트추천s and higher level c토토사이트추천tent that will be added later 토토사이트추천.
토토사이트추천 top of that, the SNOW CROWS Festival events being held from December 10th to December 30th will gift users with an abundance of items. Am토토사이트추천g the many items will be "Mori토토사이트추천" and "Brilliant Weap토토사이트추천 Refinement St토토사이트추천e" as well as "Stimulant of Heartwarming Heat," which increases EXP gain.
Detailed informati토토사이트추천 토토사이트추천 the 4th Advancement update and <NIGHT CROWS can be found 토토사이트추천 the official website.